2020年6月19日 星期五

【 2020 Feuille Next:Observance 菜單 】

【 2020 Feuille Next:Observance 菜單 】
遠方角落,璀璨閃著一滴 晨露
樹皮滲出香甜樹液,螞蟻嗅舔引往 貪食受困 。
為 琴酒 採集草本,耐心靜釀
木質 樹皮
櫟樹 橡實
陶醉、相遇,底蘊 綻放泥土芬芳的世界。
腳下泥濘,黏濕捕捉 足跡
憶起黏土泥窯,還有蒸烤鬆棉美味 蕃薯 。
或許曾是 池塘 濕地,
亦或許有 鴨群 悄靜痕跡;
黑泥邊竄冒 綠芽 堅韌頑強,竄長 野株小草 掩不住無限可能。
苔蘚與蝸牛 緊密依偎; 菌菇傘帽 半遮掩裸露人工塑料袋。
花兒種籽 面向太陽; 棕色小衛兵 是綠葉退役仍挺拔駐守。
蜂蜜取材花朵,花朵滋養 蜜蜂 ,於是繁生出所有。
生命流轉, 麥草 阡陌序列,奇異恩典 大草原 潛藏一切滋養食糧––天然酵母 、 粉塵煤土 、 落葉樹枝 、 鵪鶉蛋殼,以及隨處散落的 堅果
如果選擇遺忘,那麼 世界 便將逐漸消散 不復存在!
  星期三~星期日 18:00–22:00
  (最後用餐入位時間 20:00)
  品嚐套餐 Tasting Menu $ 4900 NT/位
  全旅程套餐 Full Tour $ 6900 NT/位
  (6月 開放為 9月 預訂餐桌)
● 官網訂位後會將寄出 E-mail 確認信函
● 5+ 個人用餐訂位請私訊粉絲專頁,讓我們能更妥善為您安排
● 官網完成預約,但未經聯繫確認與尚未付訂金 $1500 NT/位 前訂位是沒有確認的

Hazy, and lethargic. I rose to the slumber of a mental voyage. Recalling a dream—the green foliage, and the brown earth, but hollow without details.
Blinking away the darkness—a glistening dew in the far corner,
resin from the bark, and licking of trapped gluttony.
Collecting for the herbal gin and ageing with patience
the woodly bark,
the fruited acorn,
and a world of earthy flavors revelled underneath in encounters.
Below, the shoe prints in the soft earth,
Comes to mind the childhood clay kiln, and the steaming of sweet delicious yams.
The damp to a vivacious pond could have been,
perhaps schools of ducks dotted the serene;
the sprouts still by the muddy edges, tenacious and thus a possibility of wildly edible medleys.
Moss and snails nestle low to the distance, umbrellas of fungi and a bag of unnatural polyurethane.
Sun to the flowers to the seeds; brown little soldiers were the leafy greens, preserved in eternity.
Honey to the flowers, and flowers to the bees, sustenance to them and all.
Cycles of life, the sweet wheatgrass by the banks, the great precious meadows, harboring of all the nurturing edibles—wildly yeast, the dusty coals, the fallen twigs, quail shells, and the presence of nutty scatterings;
A new delicate life waits within; if forgotten, then a world no more!
Tasting Menu $4900 NT
Full Tour $6900 NT
* Beverage pairing is available
* Please note that the menu may be subject to change without prior notice.

