2020年3月4日 星期三

All Big Starts from the Small

Unlike the paint brushes to a painter—contrary to the common belief—a chef's creative dish starts with a pen, not a pan. No pun intended.

Creativity does not come uninvited—at least not like how our inner poets  in us would like to put it—waking up from a dream in the morning and we have all the maps drawn out, the missing pieces filled and a great artworks manifests itself into existence. In truth, it takes hard work and time—building on an existing idea, changing its parameters, observing its outcome and expanding further from there. For the past year, I have been trying to connect the missing dots for the scheduled September Observance event and the pieces have gradually fallen into the right place.

This morning, under the hazy light, not too cold and not exactly hot and the sun has not yet blazed its full potency, we talked about a series of strategies to explain the philosophies of our dishes, our tailored environment a mlnd why we have decided to press ahead with another event and how we have evolved to embrace this concept of “fun dining!”

