2017年8月24日 星期四


過往我並沒有養成寫旅行日記的習慣,心想著也許沒有這個必要,未來我總還是會踏上新的旅程,新的記憶將會佔據我的腦海,或者是那些細節我根本不在乎。 但是近期,也許是年過了三十五,某種程度上,一些小事情能提供給我一個新的視角觀感:我想要捕捉住那個特定時刻的枝微末節,那些可能對別人來說是微不足道,但是對我卻意義重大的細節。
現在我越來越感受到,時間是一條痛苦、倏然而逝的單向之路,那些你未好好珍惜或記得的片段將會永遠消失、不復存在。即便是世界上最強大最富有的人,也無法在時間不停消逝的道路上發出任何抗議。 我一直很享受獨自坐在咖啡店裡的感覺。它提供了一個最棒的視野讓我能夠自在的觀察身邊所有人事物的日常瑣事。
此時有位看來五十多歲的男士茫然地踏進店裡,他專注的看著牆面上的菜單,好幾次咖啡師對這位戴著帽子的先生打招呼,但他都沒有回應。咖啡師悄悄地離開了收銀台,手握著菜單迎向他,帶著閃閃發光的微笑和溫暖的鞠躬。空氣中似乎散發著芳香—像是薰衣草和洋甘菊的氣味飄然而至,只有用心領神會才聞的到。這位外國紳士最後做好選擇,走近櫃檯,點了他想要的,儘管雙方無法用語言溝通,藉著簡單的點頭和有意義的手勢​​,一杯超越國界、語言、文化障礙的咖啡配方,已在咖啡機上用心的被製成。 咖啡師感受到成功服務顧客的喜悅,這位男士同時感到咖啡香外,還附帶了咖啡師的好客溫暖與熱情。咖啡,飲料和食物—它們在地理上和文化上擁有不同的定義,卻能夠將我們融合為同一章節。

Food of Transcendence

I do not have the habit of keeping a diary of my travels. It was not necessary perhaps it was due to the fact there are always travels in the future that could keep my mind occupied or the ignorant fact that I simply did not care. Although as of late, and perhaps well into my mid thirties, things somehow are lending a new angle of perspective and I feel the urge to capture a small piece of detail at a particular moment that may seem trivial to other people's eyes, but is of significance to me. Because I am growing wary of the fact that the reality of time is a painful one way road that plunges forward without remorse and that any moment not treasured, remembered, or immortalized is lost forever; even the most powerful and the wealthy in the world are unable to utter a sound of protest in this matter. I have always favored the experience of sitting alone in the coffee shop. It offers the best unobstructed view for people watching and picking up details that may be exceptions to day-to-day occurrences. Across from where I was sitting, the barista gently warmed her welcome at the till. The morning rush is just winding down. An oblivious customer of perhaps in his fifties entered the cafe shop and had his attention firmly fixated on the menu above the walls. After a few unsuccessful salutations to the gentleman with the hat, the barista quietly exited the till and greeted the foreign gentleman with the menu instead. With her scintillating smiles and heartwarming bows, the air exuberanted an aromatic scent- almost lavender and chamomile- that is only smelled in the mind's eyes. Having made his choice, the foreign gentleman approached the counter and ordered his wishes. Despite the difficulties of not being able to communicate in each other's language, a few simple nods and meaningful gestures, and the universal coffee recipe that transcends the barriers of boundaries, languages, and cultures is well on its way of being made. The barista felt accomplished and the gentleman felt warmed, both by the coffee and the welcoming hospitality of the barista. Coffee, drinks, and food- they define us geographically and culturally yet put us back together on the same page.

